RWH tank handover ceremony at B/Bharathi Maha Vidyalaye, Badulla
In celebration of World Water day 2021 a ceremony took place to commemorate the handing over of a 30,000 litre Rain Water Harvesting System to B/Bharathi Maha Vidyalaye was held on 22nd March 2021 at school premises. RWHS is painted with 14 drawings on the themes of climate change, conservation of water and environment by students of Grade 12 , B/Bharathi Maha Vidyalaye.
Mr. Reed J. Aeschliman, Mission Director, USAID Sri Lanka & Maldives, Dr. Tanuja Ariyananda, Chief Executive Officer of LRWHF, Mr D M Rathnayake Provincial Education Director, Uva Province, Ms Priyadarshani , Deputy Director , Uva Provincial Education, Mr R Karthiwan, Additional Director , Zonal Education Badulla, Ms Thanuja Amunuge, Deputy Director,Zonal Education Badulla, Mr Nimal Bandara, Assistant Director , Disaster Mitigation Centre , Badulla, USAID and LRWHF staff, 10 principles from Badulla zone schools , teachers, students, past pupil association committee members, School Development committee member and parents attended the event.
Mr. Reed J. Aeschliman “thanked the LRWHF team for their efforts and stated that In Sri Lanka, severe droughts and floods have affected many parts of the country over recent years. One innovative solution to both access and conserve water during these challenging times is through rainwater harvesting, which USAID has supported in Sri Lanka for nearly a decade. I was fascinated to learn that these rainwater harvesting techniques were used by ancient Sri Lankan kings in the 5th century and are still valued and used by local communities”.
Mr Ravi Kumar, Principle, Bharathi Maha Vidaylaye “This RWHS will be a solution for our burden drinking water problem and thanked LRWHF and USAID team”.