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Board Game

“Raindrop Says” – The Educational Board Game

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to learn about rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, water quality, and water conservation? Introducing “Raindrop Says,” a fun and engaging board game suitable for children, teenagers, and even adults who are eager to expand their knowledge while having Fun!

How to Play:

To begin your adventure, gather your dice and counters, and place them on the starting point of the game board. Roll the dice and move your counter forward according to the number of boxes indicated. But watch out for Mr. Raindrop! If your counter lands on a box where Mr. Raindrop is waving his flag, get ready to listen to his valuable lessons. Any number of players can play!.

Listen to Mr. Raindrop:

When you encounter Mr. Raindrop on the game board, pay attention to his instructions. Whether he encourages you to move forward with positive actions or prompts ( Green flag) you to backtrack due to negative actions ( Red flag), follow his guidance while remembering the valuable lessons learned.

Be the First to Reach 100:

The goal of “Raindrop Says” is to be the first player to reach the 100th box on the game board. Navigate through the challenges, learn important facts about water conservation, and race to the finish line to emerge victorious!

Download and Play:

Excited to start your journey with “Raindrop Says”? You can download the printable PDF version of the game for free! Simply click the link below to access the game board, instructions, and all the necessary components. Gather your friends and family, and let the adventure begin!

Download “Raindrop Says” English PDF |  Sinhala PDF | Tamil PDF